Monday, September 30, 2019

I Am a Small Girl in a Big World Looking for Recognition

OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY REPORT Working in the office environment for three years, I had been experiencing the serious effect of Occupational Overuse Syndrome (OOS), as is exampled by a study in the UK which found that 75% of laptop users who used a laptop for four hours or more a day reported back pain. With the desire to have a thorough understanding, I have been motivated to have a research on this matter. OOS (also known as Repetitive Strain Injury) is simply a term used for a range of condition characterized by discomfort of pain in the muscles, tendons or other soft tissues (Harvey, S. 2002) p. 29). Symptoms of OOS could vary depending on the person, the site and severity of injury and the nature of the tasks undertaken. However, you should pay more attention to if you have several warning signs like pain, muscle weakness, swelling, numbness, restricted mobility of the joint or loss of function as you are likely in the early stage of OSS. Changes to workplace design and p ractices can alleviate or prevent the condition. In workplace, OOS covers numerous tasks that involve repetitive or forceful movement and/ or maintenance of constrained or awkward postures.OHS hazards could be recognized as poor work organization and workstation layout, badly designed computer hardware/ software and badly designed office furniture. Identifying the hazards, the best way to control the risks is to follow the safety procedures which might be to minimize repetitive tasks, take regular rest and stretch breaks or to maintain correct postures and vary them often and so on. Depending on your specific job nature, you could take different actions to better manage the symptoms. (Source: http://www. mydr. com. au/pain/office-ergonomics-workstation-comfort-and-safety)For the office workers, few people know that their job is ranked as the high-risk job. An Australian study conducted by Comcare, for example, surveyed 2,000 ACT government workers with alarming results. Of the 1,000 who participated, eight out of 10 respondents who had not claimed workers’ compensation had OOS symptoms and two out of 10 had severe symptoms, meaning, in other words, that they were in constant pain. For my specific case, dealing much with the paper work required me to spend lots of time keying in data, having the fixed posture and focusing my eyes at the same distance point for extended period of time.At the early time, I had no idea about the possible hazards and felt so comfortable with my work. However, my colleagues who had experienced the serious effects warned me about the injuries which result from inappropriate computer use. They could be posture-related injuries, overuse injuries of the upper limbs or eyestrain. As the result, several ways were suggested for the workstation comfort and safety. I found that the most efficient tips for the matter is that you should have a good posture (as illustrated in the below picture), your furniture should be adjustable and st rict time limits break should be applied.To sum up, OOS could happen in all workplace, for all kind of occupations. Therefore, the safety procedures should always be followed and all the risks that can arise should be considered as the safer the workplace is, the more productive the work is. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Occupational Overuse Syndrome, viewed 23 May 2012, 2. Ergonomics Australia, The continuing problem of OOS in the office, viewed 23 May 2012, 3. Occupational Overuse Syndrome (OOS), viewed 29 May 2012, 4. Office ergonomics: workstation comfort and safety, viewed 30 May 2012, 5. Workplace safety – overuse injuries, viewed 29 May 2012, 6. Dan Kaufman, The Hidden Plague,

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Person-Centred and Systems Theory Approach Case Study Based Essay

Case Study: Ramesh is 45 year old Sri Lankan man who works as a telephone call centre agent. He was close to and lived with his mother, who died 18 months ago. Ramesh was recently hospitalised after a suicide attempt. He had been taking anti-depressants for several months before he took an overdose. According to his sister, he had become depressed and was drinking and smoking a lot, and hardly ever eating. He had been taking time off work, and was at risk of losing his job with BT.His sister says that Ramesh went downhill after the death of their mother, but that she was surprised at this as he always complained about all the things he had to do for her when she was alive. The sister has a family of her own, but says that she has tried to involve Ramesh in her family, but he had mostly refused. He had some friends who he used to play cricket with, but he has stopped seeing them. He had been saying that there’s nothing to live for, and he wanted to be left alone. Ramesh is due to be released from hospital in two weeks’ time.IntroductionThe purpose of this essay is to critically analyse the Task-centred and client-centred approaches to Social Work Intervention. I will initially explain their main principles, advantages and disadvantages and apply them to the assessment, planning and intervention of the above case study. Particular attention will be paid to how these perspectives inform the application of anti-oppressive practice (AOP). The word ‘perspective’ describes a partial ‘view of the world’ (Payne 1997:290) and is often used to attempt to order and make sense of experiences and events from a particular and partial viewpoint.The reason for choosing these two theories is because they can be used simultaneously. One of the major attributes of the Person Centred approach is the emphasis on relationship building between the Social Worker and the service user, which therefore makes it easier to set out the tasks that need to be carried out because lines of communication have been opened up Task- centred Approach The task-centred model is a short-term, problem-solving approach to social work practice. It is a major approach in clinical social work perhaps  because unlike other several practice models, it was developed for and within Social Work (Stepney and Ford, 2000).My reasoning behind adopting this approach is because it is essentially a clear and practical model that can be adapted for use in a wide range of situations. It is designed to help in the resolution of difficulties that people experience in interacting with their social situations, where internal feelings of discomfort are associated with events in the external world. One of the many benefits of planned short-term work is that both the Social Worker and Client put immediate energy into the work because the time is limited.The dangers of the effectiveness of the intervention being reliant on the Social Worker/Client relationship, whic h may or may not work out, are minimised in the short-term. The model consists of five phases. Phase one This is the problem exploration phase and is characterised by mutual clarity. Problems are defined as an unmet or unsatisfied wants perceived by the client (Reid, 1978). The client should be as clear as the social worker about the processes that will be followed in order to fully participate fully in the work.Involving the service user right from the initial phase has the advantage that they feel empowered and is a good example of anti-oppressive practice. Less commonly the worker may take the lead in identifying the problems but however must be careful not to detract from the clients’ unique expertise in the understanding of their own individual situation. This phase normally takes from one to two interviews although some cases may require more. It ends with setting up of initial tasks. In Ramesh’s case the Social Worker will be using the following sequential Steps .Identifying with Ramesh the reasons for the intervention in the first place. Explain to Ramesh how long the process will take (roughly between 4- 6 weeks). The social worker has to assess Ramesh’s ability to understand his problems and their extent especially taking into consideration that he has issues with alcohol and dependent on anti-depressant drugs. Establish whether Ramesh acknowledges he has a problem and is willing to do something about it. The process of problem exploration will entail the answering of a series of questions: How did his problems begin? What happens typically when Ramesh drinks a lot of alcohol?How often this happening iand what quantities of alcohol is he going through per day/week? What efforts (if any) he himself has put into resolving his problems? Phase two This is when the selecting and prioritising of the problems occur. This has to be what both the Social Worker and Ramesh acknowledge as the ‘Target problem’ and explicitly agree will become the focus of their work together. Commonly there will be a series of problems identified and will be ranked in order of their importance (Stepney and Ford, 2000). There are basically three routes for problem identification.The most common is through client initiation. Clients express complaints which are then explored. A second route is interactive. Problems emerge through a dialogue between the practitioner and client in which neither is a clear initiator. In the third route to problem identification the practitioner is clearly the initiator. So for example, using the information in case study, the problems could be listed as: Dependence on alcohol Excessive smoking Isolation Phase three Following the identification and ranking of target problems stage, the first problem to be identified will need to be framed within a ‘problem statement’.The client's acceptance of the final problem statement leads to a contract that will guide subsequent work. Both practi tioner and client agree to work toward solution of the problem(s) as formulated. The way the problems are framed and defined are crucial in motivating both the Social Worker and the service user. The ultimate goal is to avoid the service user from feeling over-whelmed or that the goals set are unachievable. Therefore they have to be set in a realistic manner which also reflect the concerns and wishes of the service user, again this re-enforces anti-oppressive practice issues.They should be clear and unambiguous and which lend themselves, as far as possible, to some sort of measurement so that the Social Worker and service user can tell what progress is being made. So for instance if it is agreed that Ramesh’s dependence on alcohol is the priority, the Social Worker can suggest and also help him join an Alcohol support group. Agree on the number of meetings he’ll attend. Not only will the support group help him tackle the alcohol issues but will also give him the opport unity to be around other people and interact with them.Gradually this should help eliminate the isolation issues which are major facilitator of depression. Evidence shows that the more support and services the person has, the more stable their environment. The more stable their environment, the better the chances of dealing with their substance problems (Azrin 1976, Costello 1980, Dobkin et al 2002, Powell et al 1998). An important secondary purpose of the model is to bring about contextual change as a means of preventing recurrence of problems and of strengthening the functioning of the client system.One of the issues Ramesh is dealing with is depression which according to his sister was triggered by his mother’s death. With his approval, it might be useful for Ramesh to be referred for bereavement counselling in order to come to terms with losing his mother. Other important things that need to be considered during this phase are ways of establishing incentives and motivatio n for task performance. The task may not itself satisfy Ramesh’s ‘wants’ but at least he must see it as a step in that direction. Phase four This is the stage where implementation of tasks between sessions occurs.There is not a great deal to say about this self-evident phase, however, that is not to say it is not an important phase. Its success will depend on all the groundwork undertaken in the previous phases of the process. Task implementation addresses the methods for achieving the task(s), which should be negotiated with the service user, and according to Ford and Postle, (2000:55) should be; ‘’designed to enhance the problem solving skills of participants†¦ it is important that tasks undertaken by clients involve elements of decision making and self-direction†¦ if the work goes well then they will progressively exercise more control over the implementation of tasks, ultimately enhancing their ability to resolve problems independentlyà ¢â‚¬ .According to Doel (2002:195) tasks should be â€Å"carefully negotiated steps from the present problem to the future goal. † Once tasks are set, it is important to review the problems as the intervention progresses in order to reassess that the tasks are still relevant to achieving the goals. Cree and Myers (2008:95) suggest that as circumstances can change, situations may be superseded by new problems.The workers role should be primarily to support the user in order to achieve their tasks and goals which may include providing information and resources, education and role-playing in order to handle difficult situations. In this case Ramesh will go ahead and continue attending his alcohol cessation support group and the Social Worker can work on arranging bereavement counselling for him and liaise with him about when he feels ready to start. Phase five- Termination Session Termination in the task-centred model begins in the first session, when client and practitioner se t time limits for the intervention.Throughout the treatment process the practitioners regularly reminds the client of the time limits and the number of sessions left additional progress. If an extension is made, practitioner and client contract on a small number of additional sessions, usually no more than four interviews. It should also be noted that such extensions occur in less than one fifth of the cases in most settings. Any accomplishments made by the client are particularly stressed in the termination session. This emphasizing of the client's accomplishment serves as a reinforcer.In another final termination session activity, the practitioner assists the clients in identifying the problem-solving skills they have acquired during the treatment process, review what has not been done and why not. An effort is made to help clients generalize these problem-solving skills, so they can apply them to future problems they may encounter. Person Centred Approach The key emerging princip les of the person centred approaches are that individuals must rely on themselves and liable for their own actions (Howe D, 2009).The Person-Centred Approach developed from the work of the psychologist Dr Carl Rogers (1902 – 1987). He advanced an approach to psychotherapy and counselling that, at the time (1940s – 1960s), was considered extremely radical if not revolutionary (BAPCA). In order for people to realise their full potential they must learn to define themselves rather than allowing others to do it for them. the An important part of this theory is that in a particular psychological environment, the fulfilment of personal potentials includes sociability, the need to be with other human beings and a desire to know and be known by other people.It also includes being open to experience, being trusting and trustworthy, being curious about the world, being creative and compassionate. This is one of the most popular approaches among practitioners (Marsh and Triseliot is 1996: 52) because of its hopefulness, accessibility and flexibility. The psychological environment described by Rogers was one where a person felt free from threat, both physically and psychologically. This environment could be achieved when being in a relationship with a person who was deeply understanding (empathic), accepting (having unconditional positive regard) and genuine (Trevthick,P, 2005).The approach does not use techniques but relies on the personal qualities of the therapist/person to build a non-judgemental and empathic relationship. This in itself could be an issue because of the sole reliance on the Social ability to engage with service users. However, there are disadvantages to this approach. For example, treating people with respect, kindness, warmth and dignity can be misconstrued as ‘’adopting a person centred approach’’. This means the counselling part of the relationship has a risk of being completely over-looked.The goal would be to work on a one-to-one with Ramesh mainly using counselling skills. He has a sister who has a family of her own so therefore family work can be included as a possibility. If he is willing to perhaps go and temporarily live with his sister when he is discharged from hospital in two weeks, it will be a positive step for him to spend more time in a family setting rather than by himself. That way he might not feel so isolated and depressed. This will also help build his self-confidence and self-esteem.The lack of motivation that Ramesh has for going to work needs to be further explored. It could be he is feeling unfulfilled and that at 45 years of age he has not achieved much. He needs social work intervention which is geared towards him attaining ‘’human potential’’ (Maslow’s basic theory). The Social Worker should encourage him to come up with ways in which he can work towards that and also look at areas in his life where he can make his own choices with an aim to recognise elements in his situation that constrain these and seek to remove them.For example, if he is not turning up for work because he is unsatisfied with his job perhaps he could enrol for a vocational course in an industry he enjoys which will improve his job prospects. The fact that he says he has nothing to live for means he has no feeling of self-worth and hasn’t reached the stage of self-actualisation in his life, this is something he is going to need support in figuring it out for himself because it is relative..ConclusionIt is evident that both the task-centred and person centred approaches are popular and generally successful models of social work practice and can both be used in a variety of situations. Both approaches are based on the establishment of a relationship between the worker and the service user and can address significant social, emotional and practical difficulties (Coulshed & Orme, 2006).They are both structured interventions, so acti on is planned and fits a predetermined pattern. They also use specific contracts between worker and service user and both aim to improve the individuals capacity to deal with their problems in a clear and more focused approach than other long term non directive methods of practice (Payne 2002,). Both of these approaches have a place in social work practice through promoting empowerment of the service user and validating their worth.They do provide important frameworks which social workers can utilise in order to implement best practice However, there are certain limitations to both of the approaches, for example Further to the constraints of short term interventions Reid and Epstein (1972) suggest that these approaches may not allow sufficient time to attend to all the problems that the service user may want help with and that clients whose achievement was either minimal or partial thought that further help of some kind may be of use in accomplishing their goals.The problems Ramesh is facing are deep rooted psychological problems which may require a longer time frame to sort them out. Depression can take really long to deal with and 4-6 weeks may not be sufficient and the fear is that this might actually have an adverse effect on Ramesh if he does not see any progress within the agreed time frame.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The significant role of financial intermediaries Essay

The significant role of financial intermediaries - Essay Example In the process of redistributing savings into productive uses, financial intermediaries combine small savings into substantial pools of capital which are re-lent to a wide number and variety of borrowers, or invested in various forms of securities, thus providing risk diversification and liquidity. Intermediation is defined as the placement of money with a financial intermediary which invests in bonds, stocks, mortgages, loans, money market securities and government obligations to achieve targeted returns. Essential to understanding the intermediation market is the existence of a direct credit market where borrowers or investors meet and transact financial business directly with the providers of funds. An example is a cash-rich business which purchases a commercial paper directly from a finance company. Another would be a household that buys a new share of stock of an industrial company from a stockbroker which underwrote the issue. No financial intermediary was involved here because it was not necessary. A financial intermediary plays a significant role only when hindrances or inefficiencies can occur, such as when the denomination, maturity, and other security characteristics do not match exactly the desires and requirements of the SSU. When a household has available funds of only â‚ ¤500, it would not be able to participate in buying a bond issue denominated at â‚ ¤5000 each. Financial intermediaries come into the picture when it buys direct claims from the DSUs with specific security characteristics (maturity, denomination, and liquidity) and sells indirect claims to SSUs packaged to conform to the specific requirements of the market.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Community Oriented Policing and Gags in America Research Paper

Community Oriented Policing and Gags in America - Research Paper Example It assists the police in tracing the social foundation of the criminal gangs, which is important in setting up strategies for termination of their activities. Community Policing in America was introduced with the aim of promoting and maintaining peace in the society through a community based approach whereby the community is given the mandate to find a solution to transgression and general social disorders that occur amongst its members. This is achieved through establishing partnerships between the community and the police. It was also aimed at enhancing service delivery by the police to the community. It involves consultations within the community in local meetings whereby police acquire information from the community that is essential in prioritization of policing activities. It is a practice that that is assumed to remove the barriers that separate the public from the police and bringing convergence in their activities for a common interest (Wilson 2006 p 242). The practice has had many effects on the community in general as well as on the operations of the police. This essay is a critical evaluation of the current effects of modern c ommunity policing on gangs in America. It mainly concentrates on current community policing geared efforts to combat criminal gangs. Community policing is a practice that has promoted partnership between the law enforcement officers, local government and the public in setting strategies to combat crime in America. It has been successful in ensuring that crime within the communities is contained, as well as reduction of fear among the people, mainly because they feel protected due to the fact that they are close to the security personnel (Katz and Webb 2006 p 96). It has helped in the improvement of the quality of life amongst the Americans since people no longer live in fear. However, the practice is still new in the security system and therefore

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Staffing Report (final project for the HRM class ) Research Paper

Staffing Report (final project for the HRM class ) - Research Paper Example Walmart values the ability to offer customers the lowest prices which in turn, they believe, leads to an overall feeling of well being. In addition to their continuing goal of offering low prices, Walmart also wants to have the best selection of products. According to the article entitled â€Å"Walmart, P&G, Kraft Swap Sales & Marketing Strategies,† Walmart added 8500 items to their shelves in order to meet the demands of their customers("Walmart, p&g, kraft," 2011). In terms of their business strategy, Walmart is seeking to create more stores internationally and within the United States("Walmart, p&g, kraft," 2011). In addition, Walmart is gearing up to create more environmentally friendly brands and products, so as to reduce their carbon footprint ("Walmart, p&g, kraft," 2011). In terms of their Human Resource strategy, Walmart seeks to provide continuous training and education for their employees, so that customer service is high and costs are low("Walmart corporate," 2011) . For the next three years, HR believes that this strategy will continue to help keep expenses down for the company. Description of who they hire Within the Walmart company there are many different jobs that a person may apply for. One of the most common positions at this company is that of the store associate. Currently, there are 1.2 million employees who work as store associates. This particular job is comprised of all things customer service. Store associates are expected to work the registers, perform returns, help customers find products, stock merchandise, and keep the store clean and organized("Walmart corporate," 2011). There does not appear to be any requirement for this position, although it is helpful if the person is in decent health and can handle standing for long periods of time and have the ability to lift moderately heavy items on occasion("Walmart corporate," 2011). There are also store management positions. Within this particular area, there are three different l evels of management: assistant manager, co-manager, and store manager. The minimum qualifications for these positions usually include 1-3 years in a supervisory role and 1-3 years of general management experience. An education or background in finance is also an important component, although not always required. The main duties of those within a management position is to supervise the store associates, meet sales and financial goals, and to make sure that the store keeps to the company’s guidelines and policies("Walmart corporate," 2011). People can also apply for a logistics career at Walmart which is the distribution end of the company. This particular job entails getting products to the stores. There are over 40 distribution centers in the United States and products are constantly coming in and out according to the needs of the stores("Walmart corporate," 2011). For this job, high levels of physical fitness are required as is experience with heavy machinery. Organization s kills are important for this particular career path as well. Walmart’s hiring philosophy revolves around â€Å"Respect for the Individual† ("Walmart corporate," 2011). This means that the company wants to offer a competitive salary and benefits for their employees. They are a fairly active

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

How Teachers use language Strategies in Schools to Control Behaviour Essay

How Teachers use language Strategies in Schools to Control Behaviour Increase Pupil Participation and to Facilitate Learning - Essay Example This paper stresses that a separate discipline, that centers on prioritising verbal communication, has become an increasingly focus of research. Thus, from a different set of perspectives, the focus of learning language usage is currently being understood as a necessity and not a luxury. Since language is the major symbolic code implemented in the transfer of information from the sender to the receiver, pragmatic teaching strategies could be usefully implemented to the research of communicative processes. It is suggested that pragmatics be explained as the study of the important basic principles of meaningful language use - that is, a research on how verbal communication works and how to enhance the verbal communication activity. The study of how the students and the classroom lecturer maximize language to discover how the teacher and the students converse in oral fashion. The research centers on the use of language as a medium of increasing learning in the classroom environment. Cul ture and other inputs are important to enhance the classroom learning environment. Indeed, teachers use language strategies in the classroom scenes to control student behavior, increase pupil participation, and to Facilitate Learning. This paper makes a concluison that learning will increase if the person develops one’s speech and its relation to thought. The child relies on one’s own perception to make sense of objects that appear to them to be unrelated. For example, the child creates one’s subjective relationship between objects and then mistakes one’s egocentric perspective for reality. This falls under incoherent coherence. Thus, the child learns by committing mistakes along the way. The child corrects one’s mistake until the goal or objective is finally achieved. The child includes all inputs, both successful and unsuccessful, are gathered and used to determine the proper way of doing or seeing things. Thus, the teachers must accept mistakes as part of the child’s learning process. The child’s mistakes are used as a stepping stone to generating the proper result in any activity. Social interaction plays a major role in transforming prior knowledge. Thus, speci fic functions are not given to a person at birth but given as cultural and social patterns. Lev Vygotsky believes that it is human nature for a person to learn best with the cooperation of other human beings. The child’s learning is grounded on one’s reaction to environmental inputs. Thus, the child’s and the teacher’

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Eating disorders Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Eating disorders - Annotated Bibliography Example Mainly, people lack awareness of these disorders or they are ashamed of discussing their symptoms with other people (Becker et al 1999, p. 1092). According to the authors, these disorders mainly occur in young women who are in adolescent age. Nevertheless, 40 percent of binge-eating problem appears in young men and boys. The authors insist that the disorders are prevalent in societies that are highly developed in comparison to undeveloped societies. The occurrence is also along socioeconomic classes. According to the authors, the disorders appear to be caused by genetic, psycho-developmental and also social-cultural aspects of a person. They also argue that in some cases eating disorders may cause depression which may result to suicide by the individual. Treatment of eating disorders can be through outpatient management and medical treatment. Although outpatient setting is more adequate in critical cases, inpatient care is more appropriate. Some of the indications of inpatient care include; extreme loss of weight which is rapid. On the other hand, high risk of suicide and acute medical disorders are symptoms of outpatient treatment (Becker et al 1999, p. 1092). The authors insist that medical treatment mainly aim at both preventing and correcting the complications of excess weight and purging. Treatment also occur routinely mainly involving educating the patients on the importance of taking a keen notice on the symptoms and monitoring any body weight change. Educating about how to adjust nutrition and caloric intake is also an important aspect in medical treatment. This treatment involves individual, group and family support for the task to be successful (Becker et al 1999, p. 1095). The authors also propose that psychiatric treatment approaches can play an important part in treating people with eating disorders. Anorexia nervosa is a condition that responds well family therapy. Interpersonal interaction is also

Monday, September 23, 2019

This a research Paper on Thomas Gray the Poet Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

This a on Thomas Gray the Poet - Research Paper Example His criticisms reiterated on the perception that Gray was fond of communicating using two languages that comprised of a private and public language. The use of private language was somehow challenging. This can be ascertained in his poem that is entitled; the "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard," which was published way back in year 1751 (Burns & Robert, 1992). On the other hand, William Wordsworth, in his preamble, made decisions to the Lyrical Ballads using the Grays piece of work entitled "Sonnet on the Death of Richard West" that was published in 1775. He used it as an example to depict that Thomas Gray was generally ruled by a fake ideology of poetic articulation that was brought out using a wrong language. In an equal judgment, Matthew Arnold gave a remark on the perspective that the age was erroneous for such a highly serious poetry. Gray also in the same manner and with familiar discernment, asserted that the age was wrong for poetry of such significance. To be noted was that Gray was affected by his ultimate age and thus failed to speak out totally. So, the main precarious biography of Gray’s reputation and reception regarding his poetry are summed up by all these judgments. The attraction of attentive critics has mainly been due to the fact of extra ordinary continuation of ‘Elegy’s significance. It is because this piece of work has been outstanding and seems to be indisputably superior especially when measured against all the other performances. Gray was born in a place known as Cornhill back in the year 1716; and was the 5th child of 12 children of Dorothy and Philip Gray, and more so he was the solitude survivor during infancy. Between the year 1725 and 1734, he attended Eton institution, where he then met Horace Walpole and Richard West, who were very influential. In 1734 he joined Peter house College in Cambridge University. After four

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Madness in Love in William Shakespeare Essay Example for Free

Madness in Love in William Shakespeare Essay Madness in Love in William Shakespeare’s â€Å"Twelfth Night† There are many definitions for love, but there are also many definitions for madness. Both words, when joined together, create an endless possibility of emotions and actions one can bare to hold for the sake of another. Madness can be described as â€Å"senseless folly†. When a person is in love with another, they tend to define their feelings of passionate affection for this other person. Shakespeare’s concept was to involve some of his characters with this feeling. In Twelfth Night, madness is created by the misconception and misunderstanding due to love. Mainly, it is said that Love is one of the most significant types of madness. It leads to causes like confusion and chaos in mind, mentality, and behavior. In the Twelfth Night, the Duke Orsino falls madly in love with Olivia. Orsino describes his love towards Olivia deeper than he could imagine, â€Å"So full of shapes is fancy, that it alone is high fantastical†. Orsino loses his focus on reality as he says â€Å"For such as I am all true lovers are. Unstaid and skittish in all motions else, save in the constant image of the creature, that is beloved. †(P. 34) The only thing that is real for him at the moment is anything that has to do with his â€Å"beloved creature†, the beautiful Olivia. We also see Olivia’s senseless acts come to play as she finds herself smitten after her first encounter with Cesario: †I do I know not what, and fear to find. Mine eye too great a flatterer of my mind. [†¦]What is decreed must be – and be this so! †(P. 24) Olivia finds herself unable to think properly because she is so distracted and flustered by the attractive looks of Cesario. Another interpretation could be that Olivia’s affection has been taken and used up by Cesario due to the loss of her brother and she refuses to share her love with anyone else. Later on in the play Malvolio’s madness changes from the state of being madly in love and committing crazy acts of devotion to the state of being in madness or chaos because of the misunderstanding of the situation. He thinks it was Olivia who wrote the trick note when it was really Maria, Toby, and Andrew who tried to trick him. They created a letter, pretending to be Olivia, telling Malvolio what will make her happy. The letter did not even state that it was Olivia, but because Malvolio was excited to gain her favor he jumped to the conclusion that it was her. Malvolio’s infatuation for Olivia was so great it clouded his ability to think properly. â€Å"Daylight and champion discovers not more! †, is Malvolio’s first comment as he finished reading. He was so desperate to please Olivia and gain her love, he jumps straight to the conclusion that she wrote the letter for him. The little acts of devotion Maria mentioned in the letter were so absurd Malvolio was willingly ready to fulfill all of them: â€Å"I do not now fool myself, to let imagination jade me, for every reason excites to this, that my lady love me. I will be strange, stout, in yellow stockings, and cross-gartered, even with the swiftness of putting on. †(P. 44) Malvolio enters into a state of madness and confusion because he feels no one else knows what he is talking about. Whether madness was created due to acting foolishly because of an infatuated feeling or acting with intense emotion over someone you really care about, all these situations were because of love. In the words of Friedrich Nietzsche, â€Å"there is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness†. Shakespeare’s characters Orsino, Olivia, and Malvolio, all had a cause for their madness, and it was because of their love for somebody else. Sometimes it is a feeling that comes over you that you think is love but it doesn’t have to mean that it is simultaneously true.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Declining Milk Sales Essay Example for Free

Declining Milk Sales Essay According to a current study in Age and Aging, starting and continuing to drink milk at a young age can lead to improved physical ability and balance at an older age (â€Å"New study finds,† 2012). Because of milk’s inherent attributes of calcium, protein and vitamins A and B, milk has also been linked to bone strength, muscle strength and better eyesight, to name a few. So why have the US milk sales been slowly declining since the 1970s? A recent article on Forbes. com poses the same question. People are well aware of milk’s existence. The ‘Got Milk? ’ Advertising campaign was debuted in 1993 and won several awards for its ingenuity. It works wonders for getting people to think about milk, but that is only half the battle. The other half, and arguably more important, is getting them to drink it. Jonathan Baskin, the author of the Forbes. com article, believes this is what the dairy industry is failing to do by not compelling consumers to drink milk. â€Å"Memorable branding,† he states, â€Å"is not necessarily the same thing as compelling marketing†(Baskin, 2012). To illustrate this, Baskin offers a few ideas, including packaging innovation, partnering with companies and local sourcing. While I believe all three of his ideas are valid, local sourcing seems like it could be very beneficial, at least for the moment. Within the past few years, buying crops locally is becoming more relevant to many people. The thought of promoting local business growth and living a healthy lifestyle drives people to buy locally. So if a local distributor could deliver these local crops and bundle it with fresh local milk, consumers would be willing to pay for the convenience, healthy lifestyle and support of local businesses; at least that is the idea. Milk mustaches seem to be imprinted in our minds. We know milk is there, but we are not drinking it. In order to change this, the dairy industry needs to focus on giving consumers reasons to drink milk. Local sourcing and distribution of milk could be one solution to this. Proper research would need to be done to determine viability, and a new marketing strategy, possibly implementing the ‘Got Milk? ’ branding with a new local twist would need to be created; however, perhaps then we will finally be drinking more milk. Who knows, maybe cartwheels at 80 will be the new normal. References Baskin, J. (2012). Everyone ‘gets’ milk, so tell us why we should drink it. Forbes. com, Retrieved from http://www. forbes. com/sites/jonathansalembaskin/2012/12/17/everyone-gets-milk-so-tell-us-why-we-should-drink-it/ New study finds milk-drinking kids reap physical benefits later in life. (2012, November 15). Retrieved from http://www. prnewswire. com/news-releases/new-study-finds-milk-drinking-kids-reap-physical-benefits-later-in-life-179464301. html.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Effects of the Expansion of Starbucks

Effects of the Expansion of Starbucks 1. Background information Starbucks has expanded rapidly since 1995. Yet, as a result of the economic crisis causing a decline in sales, Starbucks was forced to take measures that enable it to cope with this economic crisis. (Jannarone, J. June 14 2010) 2. Effect of Starbucks expanding 2.1 Effect on the PPF(Production Possibilities Frontier) curve Starbucks has expanded at a very fast rate, adding stores in the US at an annual rate of 27% from 1995 to 2005.( Jannarone, J. June 14 2010)This would cause the PPF(Production Possibilities Frontier) curve for the goods of Starbucks to shift outwards as shown in the diagram below due to the increase in the quantity of resources being put into the production of goods since stores are categorize under capital resources. (Assume that Starbucks produce only two goods, coffee and cake) 2.2 Effect on the market demand and supply curve The expansion also caused the supply curve of the goods of Starbucks to shift to the right due to the increase in the number of suppliers (shops). This has resulted in an increase in supply of the goods of Starbucks. The equilibrium market price would fall while the equilibrium quantity would increase as shown in the diagram below. The blue thin lines indicate the equilibrium price and quantity. Q-quantity, P-price, E-equilibrium point, S-supply 3. Market structure of Starbucks The market structure that Starbucks is operating in is oligopoly. The following are the reasons which lead to the conclusion. 3.1 Number of sellers in the market Starbucks is a large firm operating in a many different countries. It supplies most of the speciality coffee in the world. There are also very few competitors such as MacDonald and Coffee Bean which are competing with Starbucks for its customers whom are mainly well-off working professionals. 3.2 Substantial barriers to entry for new firms It is very difficult for a newcomer to set up a speciality coffee chain in the world as cost is very high. For example, advertising the new coffee product would take a huge amount of money. Researching and coming up with a new coffee product may take years and cost about a few million to a billion dollars. Moreover it is very hard for newcomers to compete for customers with established firms like Starbucks as these firms already have an established brand name. As such customers would rather drink the coffee at these firms instead of others as they trust the quality of the coffee there. 3.3 Mutual interdependence Some of the actions taken by Starbucks competitors depend on the actions taken by Starbucks. It means that firms in an oligopoly weigh the effects of its own behaviour on the other firms behaviour. For example as a result of Starbucks having espresso-based drinks, McDonald decided to launch espresso-based drinks too. (Jannarone, J. June 14 2010) 3.4 Type of oligopoly Starbucks is a differentiated oligopolist due to the fact that evidence in the newspaper articles seems to suggest this. For example McDonald has launched espresso-based drinks but this has hardly affected Starbucks sales. (Jannarone, J. June 14 2010). This is due to the fact that Starbucks espresso-based drinks may have different physical qualities such as a better taste compared to the ones offered by McDonald. Therefore Starbucks is likely to be less sensitive to any price changes of its competitors products as the products it offers are different compared to its competitors products. 4. Behaviour of Starbucks Starbucks practices non-price competition which means that it designs itself to increase its share of the market without changing the price of its products. This can be seen from the fact that when McDonald launched espresso-based drinks, Starbucks sales at stores swung positive in the past several months even though it did not decrease the price of its products. (Jannarone, J. June 14 2010) Here are some of the possible ways Starbucks practice non-price competition through product differentiation. 4.1 Physical differences Starbucks products are of better quality compared to its competitors. An example could be that Starbucks espresso-based drinks have a better taste compared to McDonald coffee. This can be seen from the fact that even though McDonald launched espresso-based drinks in 2009, Starbucks sales at stores swung positive in the past several months. (Jannarone, J. June 14 2010).This shows that generally Starbucks products are of better quality compared to its competitors products. 4.2 Location Starbucks outlets are normally located at areas where the competitors outlets are not located. This can be seen from the fact just 23% of US Starbucks locations have a McDonalds outlets within a quarter-mile radius. (Jannarone, J. June 14 2010)This makes it difficult for their regular customers and even future customers to switch to other alternatives. 4.3 Product image Starbucks has also fostered in people mind that it provides coffee that is of the highest quality. This is done through advertising. 4.4 Reasons for Starbucks behaviour Starbucks is doing this as it does not want to have a price competition with its competitors. This is because if a price war occurs, Starbucks would be forced to lower the prices of its products, causing the price to be lower than the marginal cost of producing each of its products. This would cause it to lose a lot of revenues and the total revenue earned may be much lower compared to the total cost incurred. As such Starbucks would be operating at a loss and might even close down. 5. Effect of economic recession on Starbucks 5.1 Income elasticity of customers of Starbucks Starbucks customers demand for the goods of Starbucks is income elastic. This is because during the economic recession where many of Starbucks customers suffer a decrease in their incomes, sales of Starbucks goods began to weaken, resulting in a 9% decrease. (Cain Miller, C. January 28, 2009)It came to the point where Starbucks was forced to retrench. (Jannarone, J. June 14 2010) As such in conclusion, the absolute value of the income elasticity of demand of customers of Starbucks for the goods of Starbucks is above 1.This shows that customers of Starbucks are very responsive to any change in their income in their demand for Starbucks goods. As a result, the demand curve for Starbucks goods would shift to the left by a lot. 5.2 Starbucks closing down stores Starbucks has closed down 300 stores, causing about 700 of its employees to lose their jobs in 2009. (Cain Miller, C. January 28, 2009)This is because in the short-run, at the point of output where the marginal revenue is equal to the marginal cost, the price per output of Starbucks is below the average variable cost. As such Starbucks is not able to cover part of its variable costs and its total fixed cost. Therefore Starbucks loss would be part of its variable costs that it is not able to cover and its total fixed cost if it decides to continue on production. However if Starbucks shut down its stores, its loss would be just the total fixed cost. Therefore to minimize loss, Starbucks has decided to close down some of its stores. Starbucks PPF(production possibilities frontier)curve would shift inward as the quantity of resources being put into the production of its goods is decreased since retrenching will reduce the amount of labour being employed and closing down stores would reduce the amount of capital being put into the production of Starbucks goods. This can be seen from the diagram. (Assume Starbucks produce only two goods, coffee and cake) 5.3 Effect of recession on demand for Starbucks goods In the first quarter of 2008, Starbucks revenue has decreased from $2.77 billion to about $2.6 billion and sales at Starbucks stores decreased by about 9% (Cain Miller. January 28, 2009). This is due to the fact of expectations of its customers. Starbucks customers expect their money income to decrease as a result of the economic recession. As a result, they would buy less of Starbucks goods as a result of their anticipation of a decrease to their money income. This would cause the demand curve for Starbucks goods to shift to the left, resulting in a decrease in the equilibrium price and quantity. 5.4 Starbucks cutting down on cost Starbucks also has tried to cut down on cost. This include cutting down on variable costs such as reducing the salaries of employees such as Mr.Schultz , cutting down on fixed costs by renegotiating prices with landlords and suppliers. (Cain Miller, C. January 28, 2009). This would cause the supply curve of Starbucks to shift to the right as a result of the decrease in resource price such as labour, as a result of this, market equilibrium price would decrease and the equilibrium quantity would increase due to decrease in the cost of production. Starbucks is doing this so as to reduce its total cost by about $400 million to $500 million. (Cain Miller, C. January 28, 2009). This also has enabled Starbucks to increase its operating profit margins from 0.6% to about 4.5 % (Cain Miller, C. January 28, 2009). Such measures has enabled Starbucks to increase its (total revenues-total cost) difference. As such gap between total revenues curve and total cost curve would be larger due to the decrease in cost. 6. Conclusion 6.1 Economic profits Starbucks is an oligopolist; it would in the long-run have an economic profit due to substantial barriers to entry such as a high start up costs and the presence of established brand names. As a result, lesser firms would enter the market that Starbucks is operating in. Lesser number of Starbucks customers would get snatched away, therefore demand for Starbucks goods would not reduced by a lot, as such Starbucks would still earn an economic profit 6.2 Allocative efficiency Starbucks cannot attain allocative efficiency as the price of its goods are larger compared to the marginal cost associated with producing that good. This show that consumers are paying an amount that is larger compared to the additional cost of producing a unit of Starbucks good. Therefore consumers would be better off if Starbucks produce more of its goods. 6.3 Challenges faced by Starbucks Starbucks faced a declining demand for its goods as consumers now prefer healthier drinks. However Starbucks emphasizes on milky, sugary drinks, hurting its image as an authentic coffee house. (January 28, 2009) This would result in Starbucks demand curve shifting to the left due to the taste and preferences of consumers, resulting in the decrease of equilibrium price and quantity. Starbucks has also expanded by a lot; this has resulted in it experiencing diseconomies of scale as more layers of management are needed to coordinate the Starbucks operations. This would result in a higher cost for Starbucks as a larger amount of resources is required to coordinate and manage resources such as labour. Starbucks may have also experienced the law of diminishing returns which is as more and more variable inputs are added into the fixed resource of Starbucks such as its stores, marginal product of the additional variable input would ultimately decline due to congestion and crowding. This is shown when the marginal physical product curve is decreasing from its maximum point. This would also result in it experiencing increasing marginal costs as shown in the diagram. This is shown by the marginal cost curve increasing from its minimum point. 6.4 Starbucks strategies Starbucks has shown that it is capable of adapting to situations. For example, during the economic recession, it cut down on cost. It also attempted to attract more customers and retain existing ones by giving special offers such as giving loyalty cards that provide discounts and coming up with breakfast combination meals. (Cain Miller, C. January 28, 2009). Starbucks has also attempted to widen its market reach by opening new stores in new markets such as China. Many of those stores have matured and operating profits could soon be earned from them. (Jannarone, J. June 14 2010) To cut down on cost as well as diseconomies of scale, it also has shut down 300 stores. (Cain Miller, C. January 28, 2009) 6.5 Future of Starbucks Starbucks has proven itself to be capable of adapting to situation while attempting to take the initiative in taking advantage of new opportunities. This shows that despite challenges such as declining demand for its products, Starbucks is still capable of remaining competitive.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Facts about African American History Essay -- essays research papers

FACTS ABOUT AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY I. Introduction to Afro-American History   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A. Central theme-Quest for 1. Freedom, 2. Equality, 3. Manhood/Women Suffrage   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  B. Reasons for the Afro-American Movement-1. Record sake, 2. Inspirational   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sake, 3. Fight for the concept that blacks are inferior.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  C. Africanism-anything that has an African origin   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  D. Eras of History- Ancient (Stone Age), Medieval (Dark Ages History), Modern   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (Reform), & Current II. Discuss the four group of Black Historians.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  - The Author of Black Historians is Dr. Thrope.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  -The Beginning School-Rope to justify Emancipation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  -The Middle School-Builder of Black Studies   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  -The Layman School-Untrained Historians   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  -The New School-Professional Historians   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first historian was George Washington Williams. John Rustwrum   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  was the black undergraduate historian to graduate from Harvard. III. Fathers of History   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A. Carter G. Woodson-Father of Negro History ( Founder of Black History Day)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  B. Charles Wesley & Monroe Clark-Father of African American Studies   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  C. Herodotus-who was Greek, Father of History in General-He wrote his history   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   in Hodge Podgy, meaning something thrown together.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  D. Thucydides-Father of Scientific History IV. Review of the Browder Files by Anthony T. Browder.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A. Introduction-Why can’t African American reunite as a race?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1. We don’t know our heritage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2. We fail to produce the thing s we need.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3. We have a loss of sense of family.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  &nb...   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   with. Example: County schools have higher scores than city schools.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  C. Emancipatory-used to helps resolve contradictions between practical and   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   technical knowledge. It is a knowledge that can be used to change negative   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   conditions into positive conditions in order to improve the life   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   chances/experiences for black people. Example: County schools may have   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   better teachers. Important to Know Africa is the birthplace of humanity. Africa had 3 main kingdoms-Ghana, Mali and Songhai Bicades Sudan means land of black people. Kongo means land of Black Smith Egypt was once known has hemit, which means land of blacks. Africa was called Ethopia, which means land of black skin. NPCRO means dead. MANCY means worship, honor, & celebrate the dead. Griots-oral historians Human life began in Eastern Africa about 160,000 years ago.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Home Schooling Essay -- essays papers

Home Schooling The debate over home schooling has been a hot topic for many over the past few years. Home schooling can be defined as, â€Å"to teach school subjects to one’s children at home† (Merriam-Webster Online, 2003). However, the main debate is not over whether or not children should be taught at home; rather, the question debated is if home-schooled children are as prepared socially as those children who are traditionally schooled. Although opponents of home schooling claim that children who are educated at home do not develop their social skills at the same rate as their peers who attend traditional schools, research findings indicate that students who are home-schooled develop socially at the same rate as those who are traditionally schooled. Home schooling originated in a time when there were a small number of schools. Even when more public and community schools became available, traditional groups like the Seventh Day Adventists and Mormons, chose to school their young children at home. The Amish society kept their older children out of the public schools and chose to educate them through life in the community. The movement for home schooling has become more prevalent in modern day education. Many parents opt to educate at home, whether it be for religious purposes or because they are pursuing the philosophy of child-led learning. Whatever the reason for home schooling, it has become a predominant form of education in society today (Lines, 1995). Society inflicts many stereotypes upon those who â€Å"go against the norm.† Children who are home-schooled are seen as shy, passive, introverted people who do not get along well in society. It is believed that parents of home-schooled children are protecting their chil... ...ooled peers. Bibliography Aiex, N. (1994). Home Schooling and Socialization of Children. ERIC Digest. Retrieved April 23, 2003, from Jaycox, R. (2001). Rural Home Schooling and Place-Based Education. ERIC Digest. Retrieved April 24, 2003, from Lines, P. (1995). Home Schooling. ERIC Digest, Number 95. Retrieved April 23, 2003, from Merriam-Webster Online. (2003). Home School. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Retrieved April 24, 2003, from National Home Education Research Institute. (2002). Home Education Research Fact Sheet. National Home Education Research Institute. Retrieved April 24, 2003, from

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Choice theory

The term choice theory has originated from the work of Dr. William Glasser, MD, an American psychiatrist from Cleveland, Ohio; and which was popularized through his book of the same title released in 1998. Choice theory is the culmination of Glasser’s research work on psychology and counseling spanning 50 years. It used to called control theory, and is the foundation of Glasser’s Reality Therapy, a particular approach used in psychotherapy and counseling which was developed in the 1960’s. This approach focuses on the present emotional status of a person and the possible ways on creating a better future, instead of concentrating on his past.Reality therapy establishes a person’s ability in making decisions, taking actions in his life, and being able to control his life. This approach allows a person in discovering what they really want in their lives, and learns whether their current activities are actually leading them to their actual goals. Reality therap y has gained a decent following in the United States and is now widely used in the field of education. Choice theory considers that behavior is the center of human existence. Human existence is further determined by the five genetically driven needs, which includes survival, belonging, power, freedom, and fun.According to Maslow, survival includes man’s basic biological needs such as food, clothing, and shelter. The remaining four are the fundamental psychological needs. This theory considers that among the five, the most important need is love, or belonging, due to the fact that a person’s closeness to the people he love and care about is an essential factor in satisfying all the five needs. Choice theory also includes the â€Å"seven caring habits†: supporting, encouraging, listening, accepting, trusting, respecting, and negotiating differences.Against these habits are the â€Å"seven deadly habits†: criticizing, blaming, complaining, nagging, threateni ng, punishing, and bribing or rewarding in order to control. Choice theory and the seven caring habits are aimed to replace and counteract the so-called external control psychology and the seven deadly habits, which is believed to be the present state of mind of most people in the world. The seven deadly habits are believed to be destroying relationships because it ruins a person’s ability to find satisfaction in his relationship.This further results to people getting disconnected from the people they care about, and which would prove to be the cause of most problems in the society at present: illnesses, depression, substance abuse, and uncontrolled violence, and rising crime rates. Choice theory then presents ten axioms, and these are: 1. The only person whose behavior we can control is our own. 2. All we can give another person is information. 3. All long-lasting psychological problems are relationship problems. 4. The problem relationship is always part of our present life . 5.What happened in the past has everything to do with what we are today, but we can only satisfy our basic needs right now and plan to continue satisfying them in the future. 6. We can only satisfy our needs by satisfying the pictures in our Quality World. 7. All we do is behave. 8. All behavior is Total Behavior and is made up of four components: acting, thinking, feeling and physiology. 9. All Total Behavior is chosen, but we only have direct control over the acting and thinking components. We can only control our feeling and physiology indirectly through how we choose to act and think. 10.All Total Behavior is designated by verbs and named by the part that is the most recognizable. The idea of the existence of a â€Å"quality world† is presented by choice theory, which states that a person, beginning at birth and throughout his life, places everything important to him, including people, his beliefs, materials things, and other valuables into this world. The person then b ehaves throughout his life to achieve a real world based on his quality world. Related to the ideas of a person’s real and quality worlds is the â€Å"comparing place† where the real world is compared to the quality world.With the idea of â€Å"total behavior†, Glasser believes that among the four components, a person can only exert control over two, which are acting and thinking; and have limited capacity to influence the other two, feeling and physiology. As these four are interconnected, the manner by which a person acts and thinks has tremendous impact on his feelings and physiology. Glasser’s choice theory is one that is based psychology. The theory further states that most mental illnesses being experienced by most people in the world are caused by unhappiness.Mental illness is actually brought about by a person’s unhappiness and dissatisfaction in life. Although contested by most mainstream psychiatrists, Glasser’s theory is now used in a wider range of social issues including education, family, management, and mental health. His theories have gained popularity not only in the United States where they are most commonly used in education, but also in the global arena. Glasser’s choice theory is all about being able to choose how to live happily, how to make better decisions that satisfy a person’s need, how to responsibly take action, and how to take control of one’s life.This theory is all about living satisfactorily in order to lessen unhappiness, promote better relationships among people, and therefore eliminate mental illness in the world today. Sources: Furr, Lee W. and W. Hugh Furr. (2006, March 14). Choice Theory Psychology. [Electronic Document]. http://www. choicetheory. com/ The William Glasser Institute. (2006, May 11). Choice Theory. [Electronic Document]. http://www. wglasser. com/whatisct. htm Schneller, Peter L. (2005, August 30). Choice Theory. [Electronic Document]. http://ra ider. muc. edu/~schnelpl/Control Theory – Overhead. html

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Accounting Equation

Accounting is founded on the basic equation that states a company’s Assets equal their total Liabilities plus their total Owner’s Equity . This equation is summarized as ALOE . This isthe basis of the Balance Sheet. Assets are the company’s furniture, fixtures and equipment, physical property, intellectual property and other resources. These properties include the physical land as well as the equipmentand building improvements on the property.A company’s liabilities are all of the obligations that the company has incurred. Thecompany has to service these liabilities by making payments on them. These payments may takethe form of cash income or may be sourced from loaned monies. If they borrow money, this is anadditional liability. Liability is â€Å"money owed; debts or pecuniary obligations† (Dictionary. com,2009). Liabilities offset assets in the equation that is the Balance Sheet.Owner’s Equity, also known as owner’s/shareholder†™s equity, is the final variable in theequation. When liabilities are subtracted from assets, the remaining balance is the owner’s equity. The term owner’s equity is used for privately owned companies. If the business is an incorporatedentity which issued common stock in exchange for a percentage of company ownership, then theowner’s equity is termed owner’s/shareholder’s equity.Cash, stocks and retained earnings are allowner’s/shareholder’s equity. E1-1 Urlacher Company provides the following accounting service tasks each year. Communication – Analysis and interpretation of financial data. Communication – Interpretation of meaning, uses and limits of financial data. Communication – Compiling a summary of financial events. Communication – Accounting report preparation. Recording – Maintaining a linear, chronological record of financial data.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Berlin Wall versus “The Wall” Essay

In this novel, the narrator mentions about the Wall that is built across the church which force some people in Gilead getting separate from the others. Margaret Atwood uses the reference of the Berlin wall to describe the wall in this novel. The Berlin wall was built by the Democratic republic to separate Germany into East Berlin and West Berlin. Proves of that will be the similarities of both wall including the barriers that placed around these walls and the consequences of the rebellions who against the public policies and usage of these walls. From the novel, Offred describes the wall as â€Å"the gates have sentries and there are ugly new floodlights mounted on metal posts above it, and barbed wire along the bottom and broken glass set in concrete along the top.† (Page 40). This description matches the security status of the Berlin Wall: guard towers were placed along large concrete walls, many kinds of â€Å"anti-vehicle trenches† and other defences were built around the wall. These two walls had a common purpose which is to prevent people to cross the line between social statuses or to prevent people from massive emigration and defection. Also many people who tried to cross the Berlin Wall ended up dead, because those people are trying to go against the rule made by the Germany Democratic Republicans; the same thing happened in the novel, when people tries to go against the rule which made by the Gilead government, for example, the Guardians who committed the Gender Treachery (Page 53) receives death penalty and their body are hanging onto the wall which reminds everyone about the authority. Therefore, the wall from the handmaid’s tale is referenced from the Berlin wall because both of the walls are the legacy of separation within the nation. The Gilead The name of the formal U.S.A. is Gilead, it is originally comes from the bible. Margaret Atwood uses this name because from the Bible, it describes Gilead as a country that is always in the war, this matches the situation from the novel, the handmaids’ talks about the war all the time: â€Å"â€Å"The war is going well, I hear† she says. â€Å"Praise be,† I reply.† (Page 24).  Furthermore, the country Gilead from the novel was very spiritual, which connect to the bible.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Project Management and Virtual Teams Essay

Athabasca University Abstract Due to advanced communication technologies, globalization and outsourcing most of the project management teams are based on groups of individuals called virtual teams who work across time and space using communication technologies. Members of virtual teams may be employees of same company from same country, or they can be contractors, suppliers and company employees around the globe. Managing projects using virtual teams have some advantages and disadvantages. Also several studies have been done to try to determine the factors that are positively co-related to the effectiveness of virtual teams (Schwalbe, 2011). To manage virtual teams successfully in project management, the project manager must manage these factors successfully and also minimize the impact of disadvantages. This paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the virtual teams in project management and outlines the factors that are positively correlated to the success of projects based on virtual teams. The paper also outlines some of the recommendations to successfully manage the virtual team in information technology projects. Keywords Globalization, outsourcing, virtual teams, video conferencing, telecommuting, Project Management, Trust and relationship, Advantages of Virtual teams, Disadvantages of virtual team. Introduction Imagine that you are a project manager in a multinational organization and managing a project to upgrade the server operating system and your team members are from different countries with different cultures and working in different time zones. To complete the project successfully that is based on virtual teams, project manager must understand the advantages and disadvantages of managing virtual teams and factors that positively affect the team members. Today most of the project management teams are based on virtual teams whose members work across time and space using communication technologies and project managers cannot rely on previous methods of project team management where they were able to build trust between team member by social interaction, face-to-face meetings, and direct observations of fellow team member commitment. Literature Review Virtual teams do have some advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages outlined by Kathy Schwalbe are: 24/7 availability of workers increasing competiveness and responsiveness, lowering the cost of project as many virtual team members do not need office space and support, providing more flexibility and expertise as project managers have access to the talent around the globe and increasing the work/life balance for team members by eliminating fixed office hours and the need to travel to work. (Schwalbe, 2011). Communication and trust are the most important factors that influence the virtual team performance. Saonee Sarker and others discussed the â€Å"theoretical linkages among trust, communication, and team member performance in virtual teams†. (Sarker1, Ajuja, Sarker, & Kirkeby, 2001). To prove their argument the researchers identified and tested three proposed models (additive, interaction, and mediation) describing the role of trust in its relationship. The results of the study indicated that the â€Å"mediating† model best explains how communication and trust work together to influence the performance of virtual team members. In simple words them study proves that â€Å"a communicative individual will be more likely to be trusted and will therefore be more likely to be a high performer†. (Sarker1, Ajuja, Sarker, & Kirkeby, 2001) Radostina K. Purvanova reviewed experimental literature and emerging field research on virtual teams. Author compared the â€Å"results from both type of literature and found that experimental literature has largely reported negative results for virtual teams, whereas ? eld investigations and case studies of real virtual teams employed by business organizations report positive outcomes for virtual teams. According to the article although results reported by experimental versus field studies are quite different, author concludes that both literatures have revealed negative attitudes toward virtual communication media. Advantages of Virtual Teams The main advantages of virtual teams include: The biggest advantage of virtual team enjoyed by an organization is the associated cost savings. The organization can save huge expenses on real estate, office spaces, utility bills such as gas, electricity, water etc. and executive’s travel. Team members can work from anywhere and anytime of the day. They can choose the place they work based on the mood and the comfort. You can recruit people for their skills and suitability to the job. The location does not matter. There is no time and money wasted for commuting and clothing. Physical handicaps are not an issue. Another advantage is the labour laws, some organizations prefer to have virtual teams because of strict local labour laws. Since the members span the time zones, there could be different team working on the same project 24/7, so when one member sleeps there will be another one somewhere else who would start work where the former had left. This shortens the product development time as well as faster response time to demands in both global and local markets. Disadvantages of Virtual Teams Disadvantages of virtual teams include: Since team members do not frequently meet or do not meet at all, the teamwork spirit may not be present. Some people prefer to be in a physical office when working. These people will be less productive in virtual environments. To work for virtual teams, individuals need to have a lot of self-discipline. If the individual is not disciplined, he or she may be less productive. The cultural difference between the members of virtual teams gives rise to number of conflicts. For example, while an employee from one part of the world would write a straightforward email describing a bad situation; this would be perceived as impolite by a member of the team from other part of the world. This would lead to conflicts, mistrust and difficulties in fruitful collaboration which is so vital for the success of virtual team functioning. These challenges are also precipitated by the absence of non-verbal cues so intrinsic to face-to-face interactions. Many members of virtual teams are adversely affected by the lack of physical interactions. Most of the communications in virtual environment is task-oriented. In today’s society where job is an important social force for most of us because many of our workplace colleagues also constitute our close friends, this gives a not-so-good feeling of social isolation. This in turn counter-effects productivity as well as leads to stress. In the virtual environment, it is better to communicate, clarify, and confirm everything to make sure that all members have the same understanding about the task at hand. This produces of ton of paperwork and files that could quickly fill your archives. Factors that positively affect virtual teams Succession planning and promotions involving virtual team members are important factors and if managed properly, virtual team members will feel that they are receiving recognition and credit and as a result they will be satisfied and their productivity will be increased. (Leonard, 2011) Since team members are not communicating face to face, constructive team and individual feedback early and often becomes more important and if managed properly can avoid many problems before hand. Trust between team members and project leader is an important factor that can affect the performance of team members. One important way to build trust between team members is effective communication. The more they communicate with each other and with project more they build the trust. Well defined and documented team process also important which saves a lot of time for especially new team members to find answers to their questions related to policies and procedures. A team member selection and role preference is also important factor to successfully manage the virtual teams. â€Å"Dr. Meredith Belbin defined a team role as a tendency to behave, contribute and interrelate with others in a particular way. 15 It is important to select team members carefully and to form a team where all roles are covered. Each virtual team member must also understand his or her role(s) on the team. † (Schwalbe, 2011) Discussion and Conclusions Organizations such as IBM, Microsoft, Whirlpool as well as SMEs are reaping the benefits of virtual teams for some time now. It has been a well-recognized fact that virtual team is not a passing tide but it is here to stay. Virtual teams are rising in numbers nowadays and even small technology companies are now adapting virtual team practice for recruiting the best people from all over the globe and reduce the cost. As outlined in previous sections, virtual teams do have advantaged and some disadvantages as well. To benefit from advantages and to minimize the impact of disadvantages a project manager can focus on factors that positively affect the virtual team’s performance. As indicated by previous researchers, increase in trust, comfort level and communication effectiveness leads to better project success. All of the above discussed disadvantages can be overcome by following a different leadership approach, trainings, greater role clarity and effective communication strategies. Also earlier discussed factors that affect virtual teams, if managed properly can result in a successful project. In addition, the companies using virtual teams can minimize their operating costs and maximize the profit margins. Additionally, the employees working in virtual teams are at advantages when it comes to working in their own home, own time, and reduction of commuting costs. Therefore, organizations should look into setting up virtual teams for different tasks whenever possible. To reap the benefits of virtual teams in projects and minimize the impact of disadvantages virtual team managers should manage the outlined factors properly and should also follow best practices outlined in next section. Best Practices When running virtual teams, some of the best practices include: An instant messaging program can be used to create a sense of presence amongst members of the team. Chat is a good way to have side conversations during meetings to gain consensus, confirm understanding or ask questions. Quick questions can be asked through instant messenger as a substitute for popping into someone’s cubicle. Services for syncing files, bug tracking, project management, source control, web conferencing, conference calls, screen recording, usability testing and so on. A virtual phone system allows mapping of phone extensions to any phone number. Advance features allow callers to dial by name, get placed into a phone queue or get recorded answers back from a phone tree. In-person meetings are also a good option; it helps build team cohesion and trust and can help people get to know each other on a deeper level. But they are by no means critical. Bringing everyone together once a year may cost a little, but it’s still often cheaper than paying local salaries and rent, and increases the efficiency of team.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Alha Udal Essay Example for Free

Alha Udal Essay Essay Topic: Deva , Indra Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Chicago ASA IEEE AMA company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints Alha-Udal(from Bhavishya Purana-Part-2) 1 Sootjee said:-â€Å"In vaksara village there lived an abhiri girl named Vratapa. She was fond of doing nava durga vrata in every starting year. She worshipped Chandika Mata for a boon that she asked for herself .She said:-â€Å"Please devi please with my worship and give me a beautiful boon of great child like Valarama and Krishna. Only this I ask from you hey mata swetaishwari†.There lived Vasumaan named king.He saw the abhiri girl and got pleased with her beautifulness. He married her . He begat with her and produce two sons namely Deshraj and Vatsraj . Vatsraj was powerfull and so was Deshraj. Vatsraj’s power was equal to 100 elephants. They won Magadhdesam and they ruled there. There was a Mlechchha king named Satayatta and ruled in Vanaras. His son was strong like bhimasena and always follows his father’s words . He was tall like Taalvriksha(Paam Tree). Therefore his name is Talana.Under his command there is 100s of soldier. By wish Talana came to King Jaichandra for friendship.There came king Jaichandra to Talana but only brought three soldiers with him to test Talana. 2 Soot jee said:-â€Å"In Indraprastha there ruled king Anangapala. To have his own sons he started doing yagya to satisfy lord Shiva. Then lord Siva got pleased with him and king Anangapala got two daughters namely Chandrakanti and Keertimalini. Granddaughter Chandrakanti got married with king Devpala of Kanyakubja and smaller daughter Keertimalini got married with Ajmer king Someshwara.Jai Sharma is Anangapala’s brother who went to Himalayas to do tapasya by this juncture Anangapala gained concentration to rule his empire. Chandrakanti had two sons Jaichandra and Ratnabhanu. Jaichandra was handsome good warrior and with his brother Ratnabhanu won many battles and defeated many kings. Jaichandra ruled east side of Kanyakubja and Ratnabhanu ruled northside of kanyakubja.Jaichandra saw in gauda, banga and other states of maru, sins got expanded. There jaichandra went and punished those sinners of their weightage of sins. Agnivamsa’s lineage was king Gangasimha whose siste r is Biramati. Ratnabhanu got married with her and as prediction of Shiva they got a beautiful child named Lakshman. He was strong enough and  was well known for Khhanda yuddha(Strife war).After seven years Ratnabhanu went to swarga and got pitriloka. Kirtimalini got three sons elder was Dhundukar, middle was Krishna Kumar and small was Prithviraj(Mahiraj and also called some times Bhu raj or Bhupati and Mahipati (not the Mahipati of Mahismati )in the purana). Twelve years they pass their childhood days. When their childhood days were over, Anangapala gave his kingdom and went to Himalaya for tapasya. Dhundukara got Mathura kingdom and Krishnakumara got Ajmer kingdom. All kings obey their parents and always think about their state’s peoples. There were two Kshatriyas who were Chandravamsins namely Pradyota and Vidyota. Pradyota’s son was Parimala and under him was 1 lakh soldiers. Vidyota’s son was Bhishma Simha and he was the senani(captain) of elephantry.When Anangapala died Prithviraj got the kingdom of Indraprastha. He loved his kingdom very much. One day Devi Shakti appeared before him said:-â€Å"Donot conquer the abhiras and extent your kingdom beyond that which may create a big problem in your life and your control for kingdom†. Then Devi disappeared. Jaichandra received two great chandravamsin in his army. By them he made aksahini army. Pradyot, Vidyot and Parimala were mantris of Jaichaichandra and Bhishmashimha got chief of elephantry of King Jaichandra of Kanyakubja. There was a circular shaped kingdom named Mahoba. That kingdom’s king was Mahipati.King Mahipati has two sisters Agama and Malana. He was very upset that till now his sisters were unmarried.He went with marriage welcome to different kingdoms. At last he gave Agama to Prithviraja and Malana to king Parimala. He became happy . After the end of ceremony Prithviraj demanded a fort from king Mahipati. Mahipati then built a fort in Indraprastha. Beyond that fort four caste :Brahmana,Kshatriya,Sudras and Vaishyas living places were also built. That place come to be known as Deholi(Delhi).Prithviraj got control over the village named Deholi. Jaichandra to expand his kingdom took 60 lakh soldier to capture deholi. By that time Prithviraja worshipped Shiv-Shakti for winning and took soldiers for fight. Seeing great number of soldiers in front Prithviraj got afraid. He sent message to Mahipati. Getting the message king Mahipati took 20 lakh soldiers and came to the battle ground. Jaichandra heard the news and warned king Mahipati. Seeing that cleverish chandravamsin arranged extra 20 lakh soldiers and put 60 lakh soldiers in order of kings the war began. By order of Chandravamsin the army  got divided into several parts and attacked deholi soldiers and by this many got injured. Many soldiers of deholi died of unnamed arrows. Seeing that King Mahipati stopped the war. The soldiers of Jaichandra said:-â€Å"Jaichandra is stronger and Prithviraj is fearfull and weaker†. Then Jaichandra said :-â€Å"From today Prithviraj’s state is under my control.† Prithviraja accepted that but in mind he took vow that he will destroy Agnivamsa dynasty.† 3 Sootjee said:-â€Å"One day Ratnabhanu served Prithviraja. By seeing the scene everybody was impressed. Ratnabhanu had a nice necklace which wears by his only wife, the beautiful one Viramati.Prithviraja got awestruck by seeing the necklace.They had son named Lakshana who is stronger.Gangashimha’s second daughter named Divyabibhabari got married with jaichandra. There was a woman slave named Surabha. She was a master of Kama. King Jaichandra was attracted to her. They begat themselves and got a daughter named Samyogini. After 20 years she became the eligible one for marriage. For sayamvara, king Jaichandra arranged everything. He welcomed Prithviraja in that Sabha. He made mind that he will give his daughter to lakshmana only. It for insulting he called Prithviraja.He arranged everything for Kanykubja prince Lakshmana.He called his Brahmin general Chandrabhatta and said:-â€Å"For kanyakubja you built a swarna murti(golden statue) for gift and it will be like Prithviraja.†By hearing this Chandrabhatta went to worship Maa Bhavani to start his work quickly.Jaichandra also invited many kings of different kingdoms.Then the sabha started and chandrabhatta had kept the statue in middle of the sabha.Samyogini saw the statue and got inspired the man and he made his mind that she will marry only the man who is like statue.But in the sabha everybody’s mouth was fulled with name of lakshana. Then Chandrabhatta said to Jaichandra:-â€Å" It was awesome scene outside in our place please sir do observe it†.Jaichandra observed as Chandrabhatta said. From Prithviraj there came 1 lakh elephantry and 7 lakh horse men. 1000 charioters and they are all trained arrow mens.1 lakh foot soldiers in them 1200 mens are with strength . 100s of footsoldiers protecting Prithviraja infront .Hundreds of hundred family member came from Prithviraja in which his wife also was present.King of Kanyakubja Ratnabhanu came there . Dhundukara came with his elephantry.There also came Krishnakumara.They were the doorkeeper seeing that if anybody will do mischief will be sent out of the place.In betwwen  200 km the strenghiest army is being placed.In between there was Jaichandra and Prithviraja who were surrounded by 1 lakh elephantry and 7 lakh foot-soldier. There was 8 lakh soldiers protecting the place.Those surrounding soldiers of Prithviraj were Suklavamsin. Everywhere there was standing soldiers for wars. In Ishana direction there were kurmahara who sat and building the vocal musical equipments.There also present Mahipati, Bhishma Shimha,Parimala and Chandravamsin warriors Pradyot and Vidyot.They were surrounded by foot-soldiers who were ready to do a continue war for five days.There were 10 thousand elephantry and horse were in lakhs. Also present there 5 lakh footsoldiers near them.There present 300 chariots. There present king Ratnabhanu who is protected by 100 elephantry , 3 lakh foot soldiers and 1 lakh horsemen. Thus that place creates an illusion of heaven(Swarga puree) . In one side Sanyogita(Sanyogini also called Samyogini) was thinking of getting Prithviraja as her husband.She heared of the name coming around the sabha was lakshana and she saw lakshana was not the person alike the statue.Therefore she became sad and again and again calling Mahadeva and Mahadeva in mind.MahaDeva got pleased with her and released Maya on Prithviraja. Prithviraja got deluded in the maya and looked over Sanyogita and got attracted to her beautifulness. He then arrived towards her and by seeing him she got fainted.He took up her body and arranged all soldiers of him which he brought into the sabha. He forcefully took the body of Sanyogita and fled to his country Deholi with all of his Deholi soldiers. When these news reached to ear of everyone present in the sabha , there started a chaos. Then king Jaichandra kept half of the soldiers in entrance of the state and his house. His soldier chieftain chandravamsin brothers Pradyot and Vidyot reorganize the rest half of the soldiers present in the state.They all declared war on Prithviraja and came to Kurukshetra region for the war.Suddenly the war began.Horsemen fought with Horsemen and elephantry fought their opponent’s elephantry.It started to build a fearful in shape. In the end of the day they lost their strong soldiers.They all feared and with King’s order they stopped the fight and took their respective places to spend the night. In morning with the order of Pradyot , they began the fight with chieftains of Deholi.Vallama(a pointed metal headed weapon) sounded with opponent’s Vallama. Dhundukara continuously shot arrow towards Pradyot. The well-known Varuna-astra when  struck to Pradyot he got senseless and fell down.There came Dhundukara and put pradyot to death.In that mament Krishnakumara was doing war with elephantry.By angry mood Krishnakumara shot Surya-ashtra. With that divine arrow many got dead.Vidyot also died from that arrow with his soldiers.Ratnabhanu then came to that pace and started the fight.Then Prithviraja arranging 1000 elepnahtry and went to do war with Lakshana.With Shiva’s boon King Prithviraja was strong and agry with Bishmasimha and Parimala he shot fearful Rudra-astra to Lakshana.To save Lakshana Ratnabhanu went there and took the arrow in his body and got fainted and fell down.The illusion of Rudra-ashtra had deluded Dhundukara which is seen by his brother Prithviraja. He then to cut off the illusion shot Vaishnava-astra.Therefore by maya-cutter vaishnava-ashtra Ratnabhanu also got his sense.He got up and fought with Krishnakumara violently.Both were dead under the paws of elepha nt.Others were died by naga-ashtra(snake creating arrow) and Kharga(rounded shaped big knife).Many paths opened in the fierce full war but the path of winning is still very far. After the end of the day the deadbodies of great warriors were carried off in their resting region region. The soldiers of Kanyakubja when saw teir king was dead they got feared.About five lakh died soldier’s wives were present there crying in grief ,falling and fainting by seeing their family membersare dead. Kings of both side got fear by the scene .Ratnabhanu and those who were dead were cremated by hidu dharma(were burnt in fire).The army of Jaichandra want to surrender themselves in the next morning to Prithviraja.When Suryadeva appeared in the morning and it’s rays fall every-where. Both-sided flags were raised again. Bhishmasimha, Parimala and Lakshmana were in sadness as their fathers were dead.They came out and laid friendship with Dhundukara.There army of Prithviraja sang Prithviraja won and king Jaichandra lost. Therefore Jaichandra and others laid friendship with Deholi king Prithviraj. Jaichandra of kanyakubj and Deholi king started a big ceremony with happiness in mind. 4 Sootjee said:-â€Å"In ganga dynasty the first worshipped god is Indra. Bhishmasimha also after birth ,started to worship Indra.(Shakra deva).Oneday he started to do strong tapasya of Indra by worshipping Surya deva.He prayed:-â€Å"Please god give me a divya (magical) boon and please with my  prayer god Indra!†.Indra got pleased and gave him a divne female deer(divya harini).Bhishmasimha was very happy with this and every day to satisfy Indradeva praised Indra with his stotra(prayer) and meditate on him.One day king Parimala was very sad because his father was dead.He praise the earth and stated to worship Shiva.Shiva to examine him gave him a strong disease named Sarparoga.After five months went the strength of the king Parimala broke down.† He knows that if he did pray lord Shiva in mind , many strong diseases will get vanished.Therefore he did not stop praying lord shiva in mind.With his fatal health,king took his own family to Kashi.Under the banyan tree they spend their night.King said in mind :-â€Å"Your name is always in my mind†.Hearing this beautiful words lord shiva took form of snake and went there.King to get well praising shiva again and again falling on the floor of kashi temple saying:-â€Å"If you lord did not remove the disease from my body,I will not drink water and take food†.Hearing this lord shiva immediately healed the disease.The happiness got filled in his mind and body.Expressing the happiness he said everybody present there what had happened to him and how did he got cured? . Then king Parimala tells to bring oil to bath Shiv linga.†Sootjee then said :-â€Å"Who will hear this story will get cured from sins attached to body.† Sootjee said:-â€Å"Painting a picture of snake bearing shiva in mind,king Parimala started bathing linga of Shiva situated in Kashi temple.The the king did Sashtanga pranayama- mudra to praise lord Shiva.His wife gave Bhoga(a hindu belief of giving food to god ,so that god may eat and touch the food and make it a divine one) to Lord Shiva. Then King sarted to praise shiva with this stotra:- â€Å"Thatho jaatam sayam lingam mam gushtavyam sanatanam. Jyoti rupam sarva laksha samanvitam. Nishi thhe tha maththadadha the dikshu suryatvam aagatham.† By this for one month of worship king pleased lord Shiva.He painted lord Shiva in mind to please Shiva.Having pleased with king lord Shiva appeared before him and told to ask a boon from him.By hearing this King Parimala said:-â€Å"if you god truly pleased with me then please stay in my house always.†Shiva blessed him with the boon and vanished in the linga.Every day king distribute gold to peoples.Having pleasing everybody king with happy mind went to mahavati-puree.Every-body was astonished to see the fully cured king.After the end of the year he went to the state of kanyakubja to meet king Jaichandra.Seeing king Parimala everybody got happy and  over-joyed.Every body is seeing the miraculous king who had cured the fatal disease.Seeing the cured king Raja jaich andra was also overjoyed.He said to Parimala:-â€Å"The peace will not stay for so long in the states and you caused happiness to every of my subjects also me ,hence I assure you of future help when you will be in need. †By hearing the pleasant assurance of help from King Jaichandra, King Parimala went to his kingdom.† Sootjee continued :-â€Å"To get boon Lakshmana everyday worship Lord Vishnu and every day pray by these words:-â€Å"I you were not there ,I may not be alive today.You are the real protector O Vishnu!.Please give me a divya (divine) vahana(carriage,in hindu, an animal who used to carry men from one place to another) by which every enemy can be destroyed easily.†Then Jagannath dev from his leg created a divine chariot carried by elephant named airavat sent it to lakshman through king.After that with everybody king Parimala went to Mahavati puree.There great Talana the son of king Venarasa was drinking a sweet intoxicating drink made of honey. Mahavatee puree’s king Mahipati was sitting in his own place.Then Talana went there and said to king :-â€Å" Hey rajan please kind with me and give me what I want.†At the end of the month the great Talana repeated the same word,then rajan realized of his want.To please him and to remove sadness from his mind he went to Venaras and gave the kingdom to Talana after consulting to Venras king Satayatta. Mahipati then came to his home and gave a fort to Deshraj and Vatsraj ,the abhiri kings .That fort was situated in between mountains and decorated with flowers ,creepers.The gentle winds blows there making the place lively. The two sons :- Vatsraj and Deshraj was like his parents strong and brave. Then Talana the mlechcha king of venaras having declared as Yuvaraj of his kingdom was very happy.He was fond of Rakshashas. Therefore he called the mlechchas of his kingdom to have a great ceremony in mahavati puree for worship of May danava(a famous danava created by Vishnu,does works like Vishwakarman in rakshasha kula and a famous character in Ramayana).To attained that ceremony there came Deshraj and Vatsraj after crossing mountains.Many kings came to attained the ceremony.There present 60,000 warriors surrounding Talana.There present ministers,brothers,and kings who are chandravamsins.Everyone praising the great Talana. 5 Sootjee said:-There was a king named Jambuka ruled in Mahismati who is  freared of Prithviraj .With prince Kaliya he lived in the place which is situated near Narmada river.He is the friend and general of Prithviraj.King Jambuka does worship of the earth and different dev devis(god and goddesses) .Then he started to do worship of lord Shiva.For want of boon King Jambuka everyday does worship of Lord Shiva. The king said:-â€Å"Hey Mahadev what boon you want you give it to me.†Then Lord Shiva appeared before him and said:-â€Å"Hey king you are the best worshipper of me.Let you and your soldiers be undefeated.†The lord Shiva disappeared.The Rajan to show his love towards Lord Shiva ,he went to Maheshwaram teerth with his prince Kaliya and took his soldiers there. Seeing the beauty of the place everybody got wonderstruck and they all praised that place. Rajan said:-â€Å"Everyday we must worship Pritri deva† and by saying this he went to ganga for tarpan(an hinduic tribute to pitri deva i.e forefathers) .King said :-â€Å"hey pitri dev please keep my body and soul purified†.By doing sradhdhic tarpan rajan praised Mata Ganga with vidhis the king went to his own house.Kaliya’s sister name is Vijayasini.Kaliya asked his sister :-â€Å"what should I give you that is beautiful and precious in your eyes†. Then his sister said:-â€Å"Give me necklace and precious jewels.†Kaliya then went with lakhs of horsemen and did bath in ganga.Then after doing bath in ganga implying all vidhis(rituals) he gave many danas(gifts) to brahmanas. Afterbathing, Kaliya looks for the necklace, first in Kanyakubja (Kanauj), but learns Kanauj is wealthless.He saw king is strong but the state is filled with dues and there is shortage of wealth. Then he then learns to attack Mahoba as he saw that Mahoba is filled of wealth and j ewels.Prince Kaliya then went with 1 lakh Horse men to Mahavatee puree to get necklace and jewels for his siter.There went general Mahisena with king and his soldiers and warned that to give all the wealth they has or fight with them. Mahipati got feared and called Lord Shiva again and again saying either you give welth or please protect me and my soldiers from wrath of king Jambuka.Then Lord Shiva appeared and said to king :-â€Å"Hey king please say the thousand names of Mata Chandika to protect you and your Soldiers.†Then king said the thousand names of Mata Chandika and protected him and his soldiers.Then kings send his generals for fight.He took help of Kanyakubj ruler Jaichandra. Another side for not getting their demand Mahisena and his soldiers get ready to fight.Then king Jaichandra came to fight with the soldiers.There came Deshraj with thousand Naga  warriors.There came Vatsraj with 16000 horsemen.At last came the soldiers of big Talana.There started a fierce full war between them.It goes on till night.Jaichandra was about to win the war. Suddenly there entered the friend of Prithviraja, Jambuka with soldiers of mahismati.The soldiers,Kaliya and king Jambuka went everywhere and started fighting .Jambuka went middle of the battlefield with half of the soldiers and put Mahadeva(Lord Shiva’s) Moha(illusive) arrow in his bow and shot it to the opponent soldiers. The arrow is full of Sidhdha mantra by which the opponent soldiers fell down to ground.Then with sword they started to kill the opponent soldiers. The soldiers of mahismati started to praise their king.Everywhere spread fear.There came Bhisma Shimha with soldiers.With Surya-datta(Surya-astra) arrow he cut of the maya i.e illusion. Then everybody of his friendly soldiers got up but getting their senses.Then taking sword they cut off the opponent’s soldier’s body. Many fall senseless,other got pressed under the paws of elephant and many got wounded by number of arrows.Then mahismati soldiers accumulated themselves and started fating with opponents.Sword tore and fell to the ground and many got killed and fell to the ground.There came big Talana and stared stomping over his opponent and tearing them apart with sword. He defeated his opponent Kaliya and his soldiers.Many got killed and King jambuka was injured and fall to the ground. With very strength he prayed to sankara(shiva).By that time both side’s half of his soldiers are dead.Shiva spread his maya.Then King Jambuka got up and gathered his half of his soldiers and went from the battlefield.Thus king Parimala defeated his opponents.Everybody sang of their win.Seeing they have won the battle Jaichandra was surprised. Talana organized their half of the army. Then Bhishma Shima went to his house. After five months all kings went to house Bhishmasimha. Because his wife ,the daughter of Gurjara(gujrat)king named Ravyadaalasaa gave birth to a divine child .Every king gave number of wealth to Bhisma-simha.By the order of lord shiva the portion of Sahadeva took birth in the house of Bhismashimha.The child’s name is Deva-simha, a well-known warrior and knowledge-able person of the future. Alha Udal. (2016, Apr 14).