Friday, May 22, 2020

My Freshman Year What A Professor Learned By Becoming A...

â€Å"My Freshman Year: What a Professor Learned by Becoming a Student† by Rebekah Nathan, is one of the best legitimate books about anyone’s freshmen year in college. As a sophomore, I can vouch for that. Nathan uses facts, multiple studies, and an ample amount of research to write a beneficial book to represent someone’s freshmen year of college. Nathan, after teaching for 15 years starts to wonder why fewer students are participating in class discussions, reading assignments, homework, attending class, being polite, and not coming to her during office hours. Nathan learns how to adapt to having different demographics than her peers, she learns how it feels to be an international student in the U.S., and she learns how to help her teach as a professor to how students act in present day. Nathan faced many social norm difficulties throughout her experience. When she first arrived at the university, she was mistaken as a mom multiple times because she did not fit the stereotypical freshmen figure. She was a middle-aged woman living in dorms with peers around her that were 18, 19, and 20 years old. To become involved with her classmates, Nathan begins to participate in activities held around campus such as football, volleyball, and ping pong. By doing this, she engages in conversations with freshmen. The same freshmen that were confused about a middle-aged woman living in a freshmen dorm with them. Her peers grew to know her from clubs and extracurricular activities, and becameShow MoreRelatedMy Freshman Year : What A Professor Learned By Becoming A Student Essay1752 Words   |  8 Pageseducation and interest a professor realized that the students were relating to her as if she was a student. She was behaving as a student, asking questions, going regularly to class a nd doing the required readings and in turn the other students began sharing insights, gossip and opinions she would never hear as a professor. Rebekah Nathan (pseudonym assumed by the author, Cathy Small, for purposes of the book) recognized that â€Å"even after my fiftieth birthday, I could still be a student, and treated by otherRead MoreMy Freshman Year Review By Rebekah Nathan Essay1181 Words   |  5 PagesMy Freshman Year Review Preface While auditing courses for her own education and interest a professor realized that the students were relating to her as if she was a student. She was behaving as a student, asking questions, going regularly to class and doing the required readings and in turn the other students began sharing insights, gossip and opinions she would never hear as a professor. Rebekah Nathan (pseudonym assumed by the author, Cathy Small, for purposes of the book) recognized that â€Å"evenRead MoreEssay College Freshman Learning Communities841 Words   |  4 PagesFreshman learning communities (FLC) are programs where 15 to 30 first-year students register for several general-education courses that focus on a common theme (Jaffee, 2004). Although there are several different types of learning communities, they all are designed for the same purposes. One of the main purposes in implementing freshman learning communities is to assist the students in their transition to a new environment. This acclimati on involves becoming better acquainted with the other studentsRead MoreBecoming A Certified Public Accountant1720 Words   |  7 Pagesremember, my main goal in life was to always enjoy it. I have come to the realization that I am a simple man with simple needs. Through my past life experiences, I have determined that to obtain a comfortable lifestyle I will have to be employed in a career that is secure, but also a career that I enjoy. Deciding on a career is a personal and difficult problem for young people, however I believe my solution to this problem is to become a certified public accountant (CPA). In my Freshman Seminar, my professorRead MoreGateway Experience : Gateway Course864 Words   |  4 Pagesthis academic year, I was apprehensive about professors and how they would interact with their students. However, after meeting with my Gateway instructor and his teaching assistant, my apprehension subsided. Through meeting with my instructor and the teaching assistant, I was able to form a better understanding of what professors are there for. I was greeted with kindness and my questions never went unanswered. Furthermore, because of this experience, it became clear to me that professors are thereRead MoreEssay on What makes a first year college student successful?1412 Words   |  6 PagesFreshman year, the year of many first; the first time living away from home, the first time being away from friends, the first time a student has control of their own learning. Freshman year requires a lot of discipline, but a lot of students do not possess this trait. The factors that contribute to the success of first year college students are social support, comfort within the college environment, self control,responsibiliy and positive self concept. Being a college student could be very stressful;Read MoreBecoming A Successful And Responsible Adult1377 Words   |  6 Pagesstep closer to pursuing your dream of becoming a successful and responsible adult. With all of these feelings comes a lot of emotion. Transitioning is not as easy as some may think. Surprisingly, many students struggle with their first semester of college, leading them to think that college is not right for them in the first place. My experience transitioning from high school to college was a bit difficult. I was never taught how to prepare myself for what was to come. There is so much happeningRead MoreMy Quest For A College Degree971 Words   |  4 Pagescollege freshman year for graduating high school students, but there is little material aimed at the non-traditional adult student, especially one who opts to take online courses. My quest for a college degree has spanned two decades and has taken place in three different states. As I reflect back on my e xperience each time I rekindled my educational quest, it is surprising how many of the issues I faced were not that different from those of recent high school graduates starting their freshman yearRead MoreThe Book My Freshman Year By Barbara Johnstone And Charles Murray Essay1110 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction The book ‘My Freshman Year; What a Professor Learned by Becoming a Student’ has become a bestseller and is has become a source of policy inspiration for college administrator. The book details the findings of a professor who goes back to college and lives as a freshman. She registers at Northern Arizona University and conducts her study as a part of the student body. She lives in a dorm and takes a whole course load. The result is that she is able to attenuate student issues in a way noRead MoreMy Perception Of The American Dream1554 Words   |  7 PagesIt’s hard to say at what age people start to daydream about life’s possibilities. It must start early being as a child, I’ve always envisioned my future life to be like the stereotypical American dream. I may have inherited that dream from my mother; she came to the United States from Mexico at only 15 years old. She came to pursue the same dream - - the opportunity to achieve wealth and success. Gr owing up in a traditional Hispanic household is something I will always cherish, but one characteristic My Freshman Year What A Professor Learned By Becoming A... While auditing courses for her own education and interest a professor realized that the students were relating to her as if she was a student. She was behaving as a student, asking questions, going regularly to class and doing the required readings and in turn the other students began sharing insights, gossip and opinions she would never hear as a professor. Rebekah Nathan (pseudonym assumed by the author, Cathy Small, for purposes of the book) recognized that â€Å"even after my fiftieth birthday, I could still be a student, and treated by other students as, more or less, a peer†(Nathan, 2005, para. 71). She decided use her sabbatical to study campus life through a student’s viewpoint, instead of the professor-student perspective. In 2002, Rebekah Nathan, a cultural anthropologist, enrolled as a freshman in her own institution to conduct undercover research to better understand the undergraduate experience. Her observations and experiences are the basis for the book My Freshman Year: What a Professor Learned by Becoming a Student. Nathan faced ethical questions in approaching this research project using an undercover method of observation: Did she lie to people? Was permission given by the university? How to handle the Research Board? Could she record her findings or conversations since she did not disclose her identity? Can an anthropologist really go â€Å"undercover†? These are a few of the concerns and criticisms the author faced during this project. Nathan conductsShow MoreRelatedMy Freshman Year : What A Professor Learned By Becoming A Student850 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"My Freshman Year: What a Professor Learned by Becoming a Student† by Rebekah Nathan, is one of the best legitimate books about anyone’s freshmen year in college. As a sophomore, I can vouch for that. Nathan uses facts, multiple studies, and an ample amount of research to write a beneficial book to represent someone’s freshmen year of college. Nathan, after teaching for 15 years starts to wonder why few er students are participating in class discussions, reading assignments, homework, attending classRead MoreMy Freshman Year Review By Rebekah Nathan Essay1181 Words   |  5 PagesMy Freshman Year Review Preface While auditing courses for her own education and interest a professor realized that the students were relating to her as if she was a student. She was behaving as a student, asking questions, going regularly to class and doing the required readings and in turn the other students began sharing insights, gossip and opinions she would never hear as a professor. Rebekah Nathan (pseudonym assumed by the author, Cathy Small, for purposes of the book) recognized that â€Å"evenRead MoreEssay College Freshman Learning Communities841 Words   |  4 PagesFreshman learning communities (FLC) are programs where 15 to 30 first-year students register for several general-education courses that focus on a common theme (Jaffee, 2004). Although there are several different types of learning communities, they all are designed for the same purposes. One of the main purposes in implementing freshman learning communities is to assist the students in their transition to a new environment. This acclimati on involves becoming better acquainted with the other studentsRead MoreBecoming A Certified Public Accountant1720 Words   |  7 Pagesremember, my main goal in life was to always enjoy it. I have come to the realization that I am a simple man with simple needs. Through my past life experiences, I have determined that to obtain a comfortable lifestyle I will have to be employed in a career that is secure, but also a career that I enjoy. Deciding on a career is a personal and difficult problem for young people, however I believe my solution to this problem is to become a certified public accountant (CPA). In my Freshman Seminar, my professorRead MoreGateway Experience : Gateway Course864 Words   |  4 Pagesthis academic year, I was apprehensive about professors and how they would interact with their students. However, after meeting with my Gateway instructor and his teaching assistant, my apprehension subsided. Through meeting with my instructor and the teaching assistant, I was able to form a better understanding of what professors are there for. I was greeted with kindness and my questions never went unanswered. Furthermore, because of this experience, it became clear to me that professors are thereRead MoreEssay on What makes a first year college student successful?1412 Words   |  6 PagesFreshman year, the year of many first; the first time living away from home, the first time being away from friends, the first time a student has control of their own learning. Freshman year requires a lot of discipline, but a lot of students do not possess this trait. The factors that contribute to the success of first year college students are social support, comfort within the college environment, self control,responsibiliy and positive self concept. Being a college student could be very stressful;Read MoreBecoming A Successful And Responsible Adult1377 Words   |  6 Pagesstep closer to pursuing your dream of becoming a successful and responsible adult. With all of these feelings comes a lot of emotion. Transitioning is not as easy as some may think. Surprisingly, many students struggle with their first semester of college, leading them to think that college is not right for them in the first place. My experience transitioning from high school to college was a bit difficult. I was never taught how to prepare myself for what was to come. There is so much happeningRead MoreMy Quest For A College Degree971 Words   |  4 Pagescollege freshman year for graduating high school students, but there is little material aimed at the non-traditional adult student, especially one who opts to take online courses. My quest for a college degree has spanned two decades and has taken place in three different states. As I reflect back on my e xperience each time I rekindled my educational quest, it is surprising how many of the issues I faced were not that different from those of recent high school graduates starting their freshman yearRead MoreThe Book My Freshman Year By Barbara Johnstone And Charles Murray Essay1110 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction The book ‘My Freshman Year; What a Professor Learned by Becoming a Student’ has become a bestseller and is has become a source of policy inspiration for college administrator. The book details the findings of a professor who goes back to college and lives as a freshman. She registers at Northern Arizona University and conducts her study as a part of the student body. She lives in a dorm and takes a whole course load. The result is that she is able to attenuate student issues in a way noRead MoreMy Perception Of The American Dream1554 Words   |  7 PagesIt’s hard to say at what age people start to daydream about life’s possibilities. It must start early being as a child, I’ve always envisioned my future life to be like the stereotypical American dream. I may have inherited that dream from my mother; she came to the United States from Mexico at only 15 years old. She came to pursue the same dream - - the opportunity to achieve wealth and success. Gr owing up in a traditional Hispanic household is something I will always cherish, but one characteristic

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